Pikst oin Drunk

8 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
I t hink eacgh member should on.,y be alloowed to post drun m,k 3 times a month otherwise fac3e banning, I mean thats fari right?

Kim Jong il said when he importged that copmputer controlled beer brewing system from the UK that now the Koreans can drinmk beer, and it is important that people have high quality beer so yeah.
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used to brew my own beer
made from as it was then geordie brew from boots

used to slightly increase sugar content[4 killos instead of 1 killo]

specific gravity came out at 1120[14%]
brain dammage stuff stopped brewing to many people
going doolally after drinking it :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
big-all said:
used to brew my own beer
made from as it was then geordie brew from boots

used to slightly increase sugar content[4 killos instead of 1 killo]

specific gravity came out at 1120[14%]
brain dammage stuff stopped brewing to many people
going doolally after drinking it :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
UGH i bet that tasted awful! did you take the laces out first?
no it didnt that was the problem

it tasted like barly wine so people used to drink

rather than sip

can you imagine you drink 3 pints equivilent to

a pint of whisky :oops: :p :p :D
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I tried brewing wine 2 years back. I still have the demijohns and associated equipment. You can now get what they call "hero yeast", which will survive up to 21% alcohol concentration.

So there's your next challenge, big-all!

PS My home-brew wine tasted rank and one glass gave me a headache for 3 days. On the positive side, the home-brew wine of every other home brewer I tasted was just as disgusting. No matter how much they tried to tell me otherwise. I know a good rioja when I see one and it shouldn't have smoke coming out of it (unless it is a REALLY good vintage!). Other than tax there is a good reason that good wine costs good money, it isn't so simple to make as they will have you believe!
yep your right adam
normal yeast dies about 15%

would need about another 2 kilos of sugar

you have the tin of wort containing sugar plus 6 bags of sugar
bl**dy hell shares in tate and lyle would skyrocket ;) ;)
ZenStalinist said:
I t hink eacgh member should on.,y be alloowed to post drun m,k 3 times a month otherwise fac3e banning, I mean thats fari right?

Kim Jong il said when he importged that copmputer controlled beer brewing system from the UK that now the Koreans can drinmk beer, and it is important that people have high quality beer so yeah.

This post made no sense to me when you posted it, but after being out all day and night for the bank holiday, yeah I see what you mean.

Can't contribute sensibly to the electrics forum, so this seems appropriate... Here's to the beer! (Right, should go to bed now)