I am just at the planning stage of a dowstairs toilet project. The easiest place to run the waste is to the corner of the house nearest an existing manhole. This would mean a new soil stack there. That part of the building is a single storey extension.
Am I right that the top of soil stack must be higher than the top windows of the house? If that is so, can I avoid that issue by using an air admittance valve at the top of the soil stack instead of leaving it vented to the open air?
Will be getting pro help but need advice at this early stage please.
Am I right that the top of soil stack must be higher than the top windows of the house? If that is so, can I avoid that issue by using an air admittance valve at the top of the soil stack instead of leaving it vented to the open air?
Will be getting pro help but need advice at this early stage please.