Planning permission for some

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
cambridgeshire .... Kent.... Wiltshire ....
Where next ? In everyday terms this would be regarded as extracting the u r i n e !!
Ever been turned down for planning permission ? Eat your heart out ... sucker !!
The Euro-charge has begun !!
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That's brilliant, I've got my eye on a cheap bit of land
with a redundant water tank on it....Now where can I get
an old caravan, JCB and some romany 'mates' to help me out!

The worm has got to turn sometime, people are far to
obsessed with property values(I include myself in that statement)!

There's a lot of money washing around out there, where do
you think that the gypsies got 80K to buy the field, I don't think it
was their giro's....Something to ponder on next time they knock at
the door offering you a cheap tarmack drive or gardening done on the cheap..
That article makes an interesting point! It is similar to the "if they deported every illegal immigrant from the country then London would grind to a hault" theory.

Thing is, in the US they have plenty of space to be able to build a trailer park way out where it doesn't bother anyone. Buying a field next to a town, especially a posh one in Wiltshire, is bound to bother A LOT of people!

So, I wonder what council tax band a permanently-sited caravan is in? Or how much income tax they pay on their cash-in-hand jobs?
You think they want to settle anywhere and be liable to tax of any kind ?
No doubt if permission granted, the land would be sold off at a huge profit ... or rented out.
Just makes you wonder who is behind this occurance...
Not much to ask, if one buys in a leafy area that it should retain careful development within the law, step changes are usually c r a p for the people living it ... but good for the perpetrators !!

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Trailer parks - there's a ripping idea....

If it's good enough for Eminem, then it's good enough
for a bunch of gypsies (sorry - economic migrants)

Seriously though, I thought that we had a shortage of good
council-owned housing stock, instead of putting up Mr & Mrs
refugee in a brand new 5 bed that has been bought as a stopgap,
send them to the Trailer Park......

If I was a homeless refugee, I'd rather have a roof over my head than
nothing..saying that, I think I'd rather be a gypsy. I'd love to go mental
with a bulldozer!!!!:evil:
i would have thought that the caravan site/trailer park would come under different provisions than the planning act but under the regs for caravan settlements and therefore the way the folk live their lives would have to conform to certain criteria such as correct sanitisation and the such, so if the travellers conform to the norm and do things properly then there should be no discrimination if they step out of line then there is a case against them. the point i'm trying to make is that snobishness(now theres a word) causes bad feeling.

A lot of gypsies are ok, it's like everything else.
There's always one or two bad apples that give
the rest of them a bad name.

My dad (who lives in a sort of trailer park) has a travellers
camp next to him and they all get on like a house on fire.

I know that they bend the rules from time to time, but it's
a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of CORPORATE
FRAUD that goes on. That is carried out by so-called respectable

I'd rather live next door to some gypsies than a bunch of Snobs.
It's a shame that all the human race isn't more like the hammys of this world excepting one's brothers and sisters and getting along, perhaps then the governments of the world would be out of business if the world lived in harmony?
hammy said:

A lot of gypsies are ok, it's like everything else.
Agreed but how do they pay their income tax ? Do they claim dole and use NHS etc ? I know what you're saying but it 's us that keep the tax system going. :cry:
Agreed but how do they pay their income tax ?
We had a problem a few years back, with some people in caravans. They setup camp on the local football pitch. There were a lot of incidents involving burglaries, theft of cars, etc..

Stolen cars from the area were found in their "camp". The owners were reunited with their stripped vehicles, but police then told them. "There's no point trying to prosecute, they just give their address as No Fixed Abode and don't turn up in court. What's the point of wasting tax payers money?"

The same goes for their own vehicles. No Tax, Insurance or MOT, but there is naff all the police can do about it. All they can do is issue a 7 day producer, knowing they're just going to dissappear.

Perhaps they should change the law to enable police to hold criminals (on even petty issues) when they have "No Fixed Abode", until they get to court.
I think the gypsy thing is more complex than it first seems.
there are a few types of gypsy:-

you've got their genuine romany
(originally from eastern europe)
you've got the travellers as they like to be called
(mainly from Ireland, but some english from way back)
you've got the showmen
(part romany/part traveller - they run the fairgrounds)
you've got the dirty ones that are called 'minkies' up in my neck of the woods
(from all over)
you've got the new age travellers, hippies to you and I
(from all over)

You can usually tell how well bred a gypsy is by the condition of his caravan.
I know most don't pay tax and NI, but they are definately not all on benefits...

Think about it, there's only a hard-core of the general public who do pay tax...

Single parents with piles of kids generally don't
People claiming the dole, this can be very high in certain areas
Drug dealers certainly dont and they make a fortune
Streetwalkers certainly don't and they also make a fortune(usually giving it to Dealers)

Where do you think the line 'why do only fools and horses work?' came from...
My dad worked 40 years on a building site, his hips and knees are K n a c k e r e d as a
result of this. He gets no help from the goverment for working all his adult life.
He now lives in a pine lodge on a caravan site, the mans still got a positive outlook
on life.

We're all mugs, handing over more than a third of our income to tax, what will
we get from tony blair and co? Nothing...thats what, I'm not even expecting a pension
even if I live that long.
It's not that we're all mugs, it's just that we have to do it. If I stopped paying my taxes I'd be banged up in jail. If I quit work, had a ton of kids and insisted on sponging off the state, I'd probably get away with it. The hardworking people carry the can for the lazy so-and-so's of the world, it's the same everywhere.

As my best mate says, we're all paying for Tony Blair to eat lobster dinners every night!
I had it on good authority there was another reason why he wakes up each morning with fishy breath.......
Look what Tony's getting out of it though...

Cherie's mouth is like a letterbox

Even John Holmes could fit his in....
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