Polish Plumbers? What next? Miss World !

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
Just been watching the 56 th Miss World, still under the brand name of Julia Morely!"

No longer on the BBC, or the ITV, or even Channel 4 or 5 but on an obscure Sky Channel 125 whatever that is.

But this time its not from London, New York or the Seychelles, its from POLAND !!!

Of course because it was staged in Poland it had to pick a local winner, but not actually Poland because that would have been a foul!

So they chose Czechoslovakia with Romania as a near runner up!

Of course educationally with an MSc, and socially with a strong association with poverty charities, Miss Ghana would have the been the winner but the Miss Brazil, Miss Scotland and a very western Miss India were very strong contenders based on looks.

At the end Barry Gibb was singing a song but he is looking very old compared with the almost ageless Sir Cliff !

The production seemed pretty mediocre too, only six cameras as far as I could tell and there was a sound mixing fault so we missed a translation from the lovely Brazillian contestant

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Hmm, there's a surprise. However, I am very cynical about these competitions - Miss World, Eurovision Song Contest, etc - I tend to believe that they are all politically orientated and nothing to do with the supposed context of the 'show' :confused: :)
I can't believe you watch this sexist rubbish, I thought we'd got ride of it years ago, who cares who the winner is, you still got to witness the cattle market that it is and so degrading for the girls that take part.
So come on guys we are living in the 21st century, time to move on you shouldnt be watching miss world
you should be watching
miss nude world
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I've heard Miss Somalia was a real stunner and would've won, if it weren't for her filthy habit of spitting all over the place...they all do it, y'know...it must be a spitty country :LOL:

Small mercies anyhow...at least she won't be doing her ambassador bit over here and polluting the hallowed ground :cool:

Just pulling your leg, Agile... :)

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