potterton wiring diagrams

7 Sep 2007
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United Kingdom
poterton kingfisher 2,potterton ep30001,what wiring diagram is required
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Catalog » Potterton » Boiler » Kingfisher 2 » Cf100 (GC No. 4160711) » Installation Instructions » Kingfisher II Control Systems, Pipework & wiring Guide
I have worked in this industy all my life and am very disapointed with Baxi potterton as thyey have been on watch dog 4 times for problems with there probucts shamefull from what use to be a good company Mr baxindale would turn in his grave
Just take the thing out and stay clear of baxi potterton
abbeymead said:
I have worked in this industy all my life and am very disapointed with Baxi potterton as thyey have been on watch dog 4 times for problems with there probucts shamefull from what use to be a good company Mr baxindale would turn in his grave
Just take the thing out and stay clear of baxi potterton

4 times on Watchdog?
The name is spelt Baxendale
This post was for a wiring diagram for a Kingfisher!

If all you want to do is slag off boiler manufacturers, then start a new topic in general discussions!
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The Kingfisher II is not a bad boiler, if you discount the energy consumption.

I don't think advising to remove it because of a wiring fault should be taken seriously. :eek:
A boiler I fitted some 5 years ago is locking out on flame failure randomly. Boiler is installed as an S plan with three zones, one of which is underfloor heating circuit installed by a construction company.

PCB was replaced sometime ago as there was no fan run to demand.

I know flame failure light would come on if ignition sequence did not complete. Any other causes that lights flame failure LED?
Your post subject states 'Baxi 105e'
This post is for a Kingfisher
Clarify which boiler you're posting about
You're probably better to start a new posting

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