My mother have a bungalow No 41 with a double garage and I put in a Pre-Application for a new build on the double garage plot and here's their reply, there will be 1m pathway and the side window of No 41 is non-habitable which is a bathroom with obscured glass
The principle of a residential unit in this location would appear to be acceptable. The limited width of the plot is however of concern and may result in a dwelling of a cramped appearance without sufficient separation distance to No. 41. Full details including a streetscene elevation, details of materials, hard and soft landscaping would need to be submitted for consideration. There are concerns that the sizes of the single bedrooms are rather small and such as a two bedroom dwelling may be more appropriate. The proposed dwelling would appear to be able to accommodate off-street parking although it would need to be demonstrated that No. 41 would still accommodate one off street parking space. Finally, it would need to be demonstrated that the proposed dwelling would not have a detrimental impact on the side elevation window of No. 41
There will be 1m pathway and the side window of No 41 is non-habitable which is a bathroom with obscured glass and 600mm to the other side to next door neighbour garage
I'm thinking putting in a full planning application, do you think their conclusion is in my favour of the plan being granted if I meet their specification?
The principle of a residential unit in this location would appear to be acceptable. The limited width of the plot is however of concern and may result in a dwelling of a cramped appearance without sufficient separation distance to No. 41. Full details including a streetscene elevation, details of materials, hard and soft landscaping would need to be submitted for consideration. There are concerns that the sizes of the single bedrooms are rather small and such as a two bedroom dwelling may be more appropriate. The proposed dwelling would appear to be able to accommodate off-street parking although it would need to be demonstrated that No. 41 would still accommodate one off street parking space. Finally, it would need to be demonstrated that the proposed dwelling would not have a detrimental impact on the side elevation window of No. 41
There will be 1m pathway and the side window of No 41 is non-habitable which is a bathroom with obscured glass and 600mm to the other side to next door neighbour garage
I'm thinking putting in a full planning application, do you think their conclusion is in my favour of the plan being granted if I meet their specification?