Recent favour I did was with a joiner fitting a kitchen. He commented that he thought I was under-pricing myself. For:
1. Replacing 2 single sockets for doubles
2. Fitting additional 2 double sockets and single socket (walls had to be chased)
3. Earth bonded sink unit
4. Rewired circuit for cooker
, the total cost was £180 (inc. parts and labour)
So, what do you all think??
Just joined, am I allowed to ask you all this???? Cheers
Recent favour I did was with a joiner fitting a kitchen. He commented that he thought I was under-pricing myself. For:
1. Replacing 2 single sockets for doubles
2. Fitting additional 2 double sockets and single socket (walls had to be chased)
3. Earth bonded sink unit
4. Rewired circuit for cooker
, the total cost was £180 (inc. parts and labour)
So, what do you all think??
Just joined, am I allowed to ask you all this???? Cheers