Problems using the back button whilst on DIYnot

22 Sep 2005
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Preston, Lancashire
United Kingdom
For the last few days I've been having a problem with this site. (I use Opera instead of of Internet Explorer or Firefox.) Anyway the problem comes when I click the "back" button (either on the toolbar or on the mouse - If I'm viewing a post and want to click "back" to go to the main forum section, then some strange stuff starts happening. The adverts on the site go blank one by one with each click of the "back" button. It takes 4 clicks of the "back" button to actually go back. What's that all about?!
The problem is not there with IE7, but I hate that browser. And before anyone says "use Firefox", I used to use that but had numerous problems.
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Not heard of this opera browser. Is it any good :?:

As Softus, try other browsers first.
gcol, I too have this problem. The easiest way to get around it seems to be to hold the back button down on the toolbar, which brings up a list of previously visited pages.

Bahco; yes, it's excellent.
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I find Opera to be excellent and much more reliable that firefox. Anyway, the back button issue seems to have been sorted now - gawd knows why.
i think its something to do with this forum or its host.

i know i am having the odd problem but like you said, its cleared now, but only mine has come back. and apart from my RAM i have changed nothing, it just seems to come and go

odd thing is, it doesnt happen on another forum i go on that uses this software.

i am also not knocking admin, its just a fact, that as has been said this phenominum comes and goes for no reason
i think its something to do with this forum or its host.

i know i am having the odd problem but like you said, its cleared now, but only mine has come back. and apart from my RAM i have changed nothing, it just seems to come and go

odd thing is, it doesnt happen on another forum i go on that uses this software.

i am also not knocking admin, its just a fact, that as has been said this phenominum comes and goes for no reason
Yep, I'm with you on that breezer.
its worse this morning, only lets me make 1 post then it "goes"

(i bet diyNOT is trying to tell me something :LOL: )
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