hi . anyone know what number and where the fuses are for the fog light/ and reverse light / on a pugeot 206, its 3 yr old/ petrol engine.
the bulbs are ok/ we found a fuse box under the dash [ drivers side ] but no indication of which fuse for what, also handbook of no help.
You don't say what c.c. your 206 is or which fogs (front or rear) but try these:-
(According to Autodata) The fusebox you speak about(inside the car) is F19 for rear fogs.
The engine bay fuse box...F30 is front fog (right hand side) F31 is front fog (left hand side)
The reverse lights is F32
Relay No 1 is for the front fogs.
thanks derv 1980, for quick reply/ . will pass it on to me son, and also get him to check what his handbook says for the -F19 FUSE as it says on that site you sent.
will give update. regards.r.r.
problem now sorted, rear fog light fuse F19 drivers side fuse box was ok/ it was a loose wire behind side panel in boot , o/s.
son had been at the back of it recently and most likely disturbed it then.
as for reverse light it WAS the switch , new one fitted and now ok./
cheers for help. r.r.