I’ve bought a VDSL faceplate to fit onto the master socket in my house to hopefully improve the broadband speed. The house has two phone extensions (neither currently used) and I use a bog standard splitter to connect up the router and a cordless phone. I’ve taken the old faceplate off and am a bit puzzled by the wiring – see attached picture. The new faceplate has connectors 2, 3 and 5 but my setup has a wire going to connector 4 (+2 wires each going into connectors 2, 3 and 5).
Question 1: should I just blank off the wire that went to connector 4?
Question 2: to get faster broadband should I not reconnect to connector 3? I want the phone to ring obviously so I’m happy to reconnect up to 3 and hopefully there won’t be much interference on the line. Not sure having 3 hanging wires is a good idea.
I’ve bought a VDSL faceplate to fit onto the master socket in my house to hopefully improve the broadband speed. The house has two phone extensions (neither currently used) and I use a bog standard splitter to connect up the router and a cordless phone. I’ve taken the old faceplate off and am a bit puzzled by the wiring – see attached picture. The new faceplate has connectors 2, 3 and 5 but my setup has a wire going to connector 4 (+2 wires each going into connectors 2, 3 and 5).
Question 1: should I just blank off the wire that went to connector 4?
Question 2: to get faster broadband should I not reconnect to connector 3? I want the phone to ring obviously so I’m happy to reconnect up to 3 and hopefully there won’t be much interference on the line. Not sure having 3 hanging wires is a good idea.