Quick, stock up on your hobnobs!

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Blimey way things are going there will be plenty of people on starvation diets :eek:

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Just don’t buy them. They’ll soon bring the price back down.
They won't be able to sell them below a cost price. Otherwise they'll bankrupt themselves.
And if they're not making a worthwhile profit, why bother. :rolleyes:
They won't be able to sell them below a cost price. Otherwise they'll bankrupt themselves.
And if they're not making a worthwhile profit, why .
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bankruptcy or a fair price . it’s their choice not mine. although there’s enough fat people to keep them all open.
Well with you not buying so many anymore, they'll have to increase the price a fraction more to make it worth their while.
Economy of scale and all that. :)
Well with you not buying so many anymore, they'll have to increase the price a fraction more to make it worth their while.
Economy of scale and all that. :).
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