I've got an L reg astra 1.6i GLS hatchback which is still running well despite it's 150k, but a few day ago I noticed something odd.
When parked up I discovered a wire hanging down below the front nearside bumper with what I assumed was a blue electrical male plug on the end. Try as I might I couldn't find anywhere it would plug into. Looking at it again I realised there were no exposed contacts, and what I now think might be some kind of sensor, which can be unclipped from the plug/wire.
A couple of days before I noticed it I did hit a rabbit which bumped around a bit underneath the car, so I was wondering whether this could have dislodged this mystery part.
Could it be an airbag sensor? This is the only thing I can think of so far forward in the nearside quarter, but I don't really know much about airbags and how the sensors work.
The car is running fine (670 mile round trip this weekend, including a long holdup in the M42 resurfacing yesterday) with no apparent problems or warning lights. I haven't tried unplugging the sensor and running the engine, yet, but have just thought it might bring up a warning light - any other thoughts? I could take a pictire of it if it helps.
When parked up I discovered a wire hanging down below the front nearside bumper with what I assumed was a blue electrical male plug on the end. Try as I might I couldn't find anywhere it would plug into. Looking at it again I realised there were no exposed contacts, and what I now think might be some kind of sensor, which can be unclipped from the plug/wire.
A couple of days before I noticed it I did hit a rabbit which bumped around a bit underneath the car, so I was wondering whether this could have dislodged this mystery part.
Could it be an airbag sensor? This is the only thing I can think of so far forward in the nearside quarter, but I don't really know much about airbags and how the sensors work.
The car is running fine (670 mile round trip this weekend, including a long holdup in the M42 resurfacing yesterday) with no apparent problems or warning lights. I haven't tried unplugging the sensor and running the engine, yet, but have just thought it might bring up a warning light - any other thoughts? I could take a pictire of it if it helps.