Raspberry Pi 5 HDMI - no display

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
I've more tests to do yet, but....

I've so far....

Set up an SD card, with Debian Bookworm 64, set it to connect to my wifi, given it a fixed IP on my router, powered it up. It pings fine, I've SSH into it, from my laptop, and it's responding just fine to SSH, but no display, kbd, mouse, so far.

I borrowed a working USB bluetooth adaptor, + kbd, +mouse, from my desktop system for the test..

I ordered a micro HDMI, to HDMI lead, tried to plug it into what I thought was the HDMI socket of my monitor, but found that was a display port( looked similar). Looked around for other things with HDMI inputs, remembered an old portable TV, which were about to dispose of, that has a HDMI socket. Plugged into that, switched to HDMI, and nowt, says 'no video available'.

Pi not set up, to output HDMI????, or faulty cable??, or the TV???
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As you are pinging it.
Have you tried using a browser on another computer and accessing the Pi using 192.168.1.xxx and seeing what is operating?
Got there! I moved the Pi over, to a modern TV, tried the micro HDMI port nearest the power plug, nothing, moved it to the next micro HDMI port and the display appeared. Both mouse and kbd working..

As you are pinging it.
Have you tried using a browser on another computer and accessing the Pi using 192.168.1.xxx and seeing what is operating?

Yep, I tried that, whilst I was awaiting the lead - other than the ping, it wouldn't respond. My understanding is that with nothing on the Pi, set up to respond, then all it would do is respond to ping. I found had to tick the SSH in the OS writing software, for the SD card, to get it to respond to the SSH connections.

Anyway - as above, I got it working via another TV.
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I've got to the bottom of it, and why I was going around in circles, over the display......

The HDMI display, needs to be on and booted up first, before the Rpi is powered up. In my ignorance, was powering both up at the same time, and moving the HDMI plug from one TV socket to another, and one socket on the Rpi, in my attempt to get it to show on the screen..

Apparently the display, and HDMI source, talk to each other as the Rpi boots up, to agree on a display resolution, before the Rpi starts the display... Simple, when You know ;)
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