Record Rise in Crime

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More like the sort of inherently violent people we are busy admitting into The UK in large numbers. As the population of places like London is changing from indigenous to ex- third world, so the violence and crime inevitably goes through the roof. London - gun crime up, knife crime up, robbery/mugging up, gang crime up. They've now busy enriching our society with novelties like acid attacks, which are prevalent in some third world countries. Surprise, surprise. From being virtually an unknown phenomenon here, it's now the latest craze.

Let the 3rd world in, and rapidly we get 3rd world levels and methods of violence. Ain't diversity great!
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More like the sort of inherently violent people we are busy admitting into The UK in large numbers. As the population of places like London is changing from indigenous to ex- third world, so the violence and crime inevitably goes through the roof. London - gun crime up, knife crime up, robbery/mugging up, gang crime up. They've now busy enriching our society with novelties like acid attacks, which are prevalent in some third world countries. Surprise, surprise. From being virtually an unknown phenomenon here, it's now the latest craze.

Let the 3rd world in, and rapidly we get 3rd world levels and methods of violence. Ain't diversity great!

Yes that's what happens when you let in third world low lifes. The banner wavers greet them with open arms.
Rather than being down to police cuts, it could well be a result of the over use of cautions. Great for getting the crime resolution statistics up, not so good for deterring criminals from reoffending.
More like the sort of inherently violent people we are busy admitting into The UK in large numbers. As the population of places like London is changing from indigenous to ex- third world, so the violence and crime inevitably goes through the roof. London - gun crime up, knife crime up, robbery/mugging up, gang crime up. They've now busy enriching our society with novelties like acid attacks, which are prevalent in some third world countries. Surprise, surprise. From being virtually an unknown phenomenon here, it's now the latest craze.

Let the 3rd world in, and rapidly we get 3rd world levels and methods of violence. Ain't diversity great!

So have you crime stats to back this up? Or is this just a narrative you push based on nothing more than your own bias.

Like all simpletons you confuse correlation with causation. The vast majority of acid attacks (75%) are male on male and gang related.
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It's not so bad for the UK, but there is evidence that most crimes are commited by asylum seekers, and those immigrants without jobs; which reagrding the latter, would be the same as native born residents. Acid crimes have risen dramatically in the last few years, but there is no evidence that it's being commited only by immigrants, but they've obviously brought the idea with them. People trafficking for the sex trade has been attirbuted to the eastern european criminals that have entered the country, whilst gun crime and knife crime are more likely to be home grown gangs. It is reckoned that as many as 7 out of 10 supposed asylum seekers entering Europe are actually economic migrants (but won't all come here), and whilst those that can find a job (even a cash in hand illegal one) will be fine, the violence exhibited by those seeking to cross the channel would support SS's assertations.
Cyber crime

reported to cost the Uk £190 billion a year ? :eek:

more then the NHS budget

It's not so bad for the UK, but there is evidence that most crimes are commited by asylum seekers, and those immigrants without jobs; which reagrding the latter, would be the same as native born residents. Acid crimes have risen dramatically in the last few years, but there is no evidence that it's being commited only by immigrants, but they've obviously brought the idea with them. People trafficking for the sex trade has been attirbuted to the eastern european criminals that have entered the country, whilst gun crime and knife crime are more likely to be home grown gangs. It is reckoned that as many as 7 out of 10 supposed asylum seekers entering Europe are actually economic migrants (but won't all come here), and whilst those that can find a job (even a cash in hand illegal one) will be fine, the violence exhibited by those seeking to cross the channel would support SS's assertations.

:rolleyes: yep

and the EU want to stop the UK carrying out criminal checks on EU citizens when we leave the EU ;)
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