Regs for a soakaway

24 Sep 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I've started to dig a soakaway and got down about 600 when I found pea shingle and a pipe, either storm drainage or sewer I'm not sure. Anyway do I need to move the soakaway or can I have this pipe running through it.
It sounds like you've come across an existing soakaway? Why not discharge the new surface water into it... or make it larger if it's too small?
Sounds to me like you have exposed a regular drain pipe encased in pea gravel.

No problem with the pipe running trough though it may be affected by the settlement of the soakaway infill.

Perhaps wiser if you shift the soakaway over so that the pipe is clear.
Just for the record the pipe running through my soakaway was a soil pipe.
Building control failed the soakaway because the water would not soak into the surrounding earth but travel along the shingle of the soil pipe. I now have to dig a 15 meter trench along the side of my house and have the soak away in my back garden :cry:
Surley there's a manhole in/around there somewhere then?

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