Remove large metal pole

15 Jan 2014
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United Kingdom

I have a large metal pole at the end of my garden. It must be 3 metres high. Photos are attached.

I would like to remove the pole, but not sure best to do it.

I've read that got can cut it below ground level, but it's not clear to me how the pole won't just fall down when the post is cut. Feels quite dangerous to me, especially as I will probably be doing it as a one man job.

Any recommended approaches for remove a pole of this size as a one man job?



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Looks quite useful as a washing line support so may be part cut it. Either way use an angle grinder or better still (safer) a recip saw. Get another pair of hands to control its fall though. Assuming it isn't a vent pipe or performing some other function.
Looks quite useful as a washing line support so may be part cut it.

There appears to be a wire attached to the top, and dropping down, to the left - that might mean amateur radio and a long wire antenna. I also spy a coupling, or joint about halfway up.
are you absolutely sure of that pipes purpose ? Your neighbour has the same in their garden, from memory local sewers prior to adoption, many developments in the late Victorian and Edwardian had the vent pipes for runs in gardens for the sewers that run in the back passage between properties.
I am pretty certain it is an old clothes line. There was a bit attached to the house for the attaching the wasing line on the other end. Not sure what the wires are. I think someone has used it in place of the clothes line.

It is just my property and the one behind that has these poles, so I don't think it is venting or anything like that.

Yeah, there is some coupling in the middle. It almost looks like two pipes.
Would I use the rip saw below ground level? I assume not, as I not sure how I would get the space to do the cut. Unless I did a big hole to the side, I guess.
Also, not sure if it is possible to remove the pole completely by digging it up?
Also, not sure if it is possible to remove the pole completely by digging it up?

To resist any sideways loading, it will have been set in concrete. If all you want is the pole gone, and you are happy it is not a vent, then an angle grinder will cut it just below ground level, without need to do any digging. I would tackle it in two stages. Chop the major part off, at a comfortable, easy working height, so you can quickly get out of the way, then a second cut so it is slightly below ground level.
It's a bit close to the wall, so pulling it over might disturb the wall, and the wall will be in the way of digging it up.
You could approach it like a tree, cut a wide v shaped notch on the front, so that it's only supported by less than a third of its section at the back. Then use leverage to pull it over, the back will surely bend under a 3m lever. If not, keep cutting.
If you can tie a rope or strap to the top, pull it towards your patio, but put down a pallet or some lengths of wood to protect your slabs from damage.

You could do it with a 12" hacksaw (not a blunt one)

With the above technique, cut it above ground level, then cut the stub off afterwards. You should be able to get fairly close to the ground, then bash the remainder down with a club hammer.
If worried about it falling onto you , cut it down in stages. Takes longer but is safer. You could also tie the pole where it comes above the wall top.

Personally, I wouldn’t worry about the post below the join and would simply remove the post from the join and keep the rest.
It could be useful if you wanted a shade sail or similar (or a washing line)

You could remove it to the ground and unless you desperately need the bit in the ground gone, simply gut it to ground/below ground level.
If you do want to remove it below ground, keep 2M of the pole as using it as a lever will make getting it out easier.
If it’s concrete all over the area you might need to break up a couple of feet either side and at the front.
Then dig soil around the concrete that’s holding the pole so that there is room to wiggle side to side using the lever.

I’d keep the pole at the join
It could be a simple screw on fitting - a load of heat on the join and some plus gas applied regularly might unscrew it?
If it is a screw fitting then a hole drilled in the top tube could help as a lever, or a set of stillsons would grip it to turn
Can't tell from pic how close it is to your house. Obviously, make sure that distance is greater than the pole height if you intend pulling it down in one piece! Personally, I'd remove it in stages, as suggested above.
Yeah, it is a good point about the wall. I was wondering this too.

I was also wondering whether I could unscrew the top part. It looks like it is a screwfit, though it looks pretty rusty. Definitely worth a try though.

I think I will have a go at taking the top section off first and see how I get on. If I can't unscrew it somehow, then I will start with cutting the top part off.
It does look useful, washing line, as suggested, or a security camera pole, pointed at the rear of your own house obviously.
A steel pole isn't going to go suddenly like a tree: it will bend and/or tear and go down slowly.

I'd make my first cut at roof level where you can get at the back and make a straight cut in with angle grinder, recip or hacksaw. A gentle pull on a prepositioned rope will pull the thing over. Cut say 3/4 though an try. Cut and try until it goes.

I wouldn't try unscrewing as even if the top comes loose it will end up totally unrestrained and looking for something/one to fall on.

I'd then dig down to the top of the concrete and cut the post at that level.
ah, ok. Good to know.

The general consensus seems to be to cut, so I'll give it a go.

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