Removing soil stack

26 Jul 2024
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United Kingdom

I've got a external vented soil stack which used to be used for the upstairs bathroom, this has now been converted into a bedroom and the bathroom moved downstairs.
I don't have any plumbing outlets upstairs now, would I be able to remove the soil stack and cap it, or reduce its height to above the kitchen sink (highest outlet) and fit an external AAV?
I've had the vented stack pipe blanked off at the top now for over a week and haven't noticed any issues
My waste and rainwater flows between 2 semi's combined with my neighbours waste and rainwater into a vented pit before going into the main sewer line on the street, so I'd imagine any gases would be able to escape through this vent.

Just to note my neighbour has the same setup and doesn't have a soil stack .
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Go for it as i cannot see you would have any issues.
That was my exact thoughts but wanted to double check 1st.
Forgot to add house was built in 1900
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I wanted an extra bedroom also didn't have any need for coal storage
It may take longer than a week to show up any issues, have you had a decent downpour during that time?

I'd be wary of removing a vented stack, particularly if it's original from when the house was built and even more so if the Neighbour has removed theirs....

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