RepairCare is chuffin expensive these day.
I have recently started using Oxera. I used to use TimbaBuild, but their prices have jumped too.
Our extensive range of expoxy resin products can save the existing unit, saving the customer huge some of money whilst also minimising the impact on the environment, as often just 5% of the timber is affected, making it hugely wasteful to replace the whole unit.
£25 for a tube of 1 or 4 hour resin (with free delivery). You will however need the gun, they charge £32.
The RepairCare gun that is part of their introduction kit is over priced plastic rubbish. The Oxera gun is the same as the TimbaBuild gun, and all metal.
£57 for a gun and a tube, is only slightly more than a single tube of RepairCare.
I would only consider using RepairCare in the coldest parts of winter. They have a resin that cures at very low temperatures.