Repairing Gouges In New Render

26 Feb 2005
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United Kingdom
Done some rendering outside, pretty pleased by and large. However, managed to get some gouges in it caused by one of my animals I expect. They are about a few inches long and perhaps a mill deep. I could trrowel on some more render I guess to fill up the scratches but I am worried it'll not look as smooth. Any tips for blending in nicely? I was wondering, for example, if I made up a thick sand/cement "paste" and sponged it in...
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if you haven't done it already then yes ( thick sand/cement "paste" ) more cement than soft sand but wet the wall first then wait for the surface
water to drain / dry so its only damp, when done just stand a board in front or cover with a dust sheet or something so it cure dry
if it dries to quick it will most likely crack - turn to dust and fall out.

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