Hi Guys,
This may be a day late, but it's not a dollar short.
I have the drawing and have sent it to you all.
Starting as a complete amateur, having bought a house containing this eurocombi. I have fixed 3 faults in it this year.
First I paid £80 to a cowboy who "improved it " but didnt fix it, when the was a reluctance on the part of the boiler to start up.
a week later I fixed it by replacing the Air pressure switch. And he was a "Combi boiler expert". Hah!
Next it was losing pressure, fixed by replacing the pressure release valve.
Finally, it was taking more and more water flow to get the boiler to start up.
Uh Oh!!. diagnosed as the diaphram in the divertor valve.
Yes this was frayed badly , and holed.
Well I did have trouble putting it back together as the internals didnt exactly match the diagram, I had a third spring, (small) which is not in the diagram.
Well I left out,
Decision time. do I go to the bother of installing this one with the doubt that it would work (I had already re installed it twice after reassembling it incorrectly) or go and buy a complete valve £70 - £80.
I took a chance, fired it up , and whooped for joy, yipee.
like a boy with a new toy.
well that saved me a couple of hundred quids payout to some bovine expert.
Many thanks to all the tech help at Ariston in UK, they really are very helpful.
Yes there is a CD with all the drawing of all the machines, just ask.
phone 01494 539 579 and press button 2 (Yeah your a pro , right)
best of luck