Returfing Garden

13 Sep 2015
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United Kingdom
Hi All,

In looking to returf and level my garden and wanting some advice.

Its not the best draining lawn at the moment and it has been quite boggy over winter. It was fine last summer.

Im on a budget and doing it myself so is the following likely to work?

Skim top layer of grass and weeds off.
Rotavate whole lawn.
Level it roughly.
Add top soil and sharp sand.
Lay turf

How much top soil and sharp sand do i need, can i just mix them together or would you lay one of them first?

Also is a lawn roller handy to have or are they useless at levelling the soil prior to laying the turf.

Also is there no way i can rotavate current grassy soily weedy garden without taking top layer off? Im not looking for the best of the best result as i know weeds will always grow through anyway, it would just save a lot of time and effort and skip costs.

Garden is south facing.

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What are you working with? How big is it?

Have you dug down to see why it might not be draining? Are there any features like retaining structures?
What are you working with? How big is it?

Have you dug down to see why it might not be draining? Are there any features like retaining structures?
60 sq metres

No nothing like that, think its just not great soil possibly, like i say its fine in spring summer summer autumn but was boggy in winter, but we got zero sun for months despite being south facing and it never stopped raining.

I know the best option is probably french drains or something but i dont have the cash nor the time to do that and aslong as its useable when warm im not too bothered.
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Then your plan sounds good! Probably be prepared to add more top soil than you expect.

Also a DIY drag rake will help the leveling alot!
Then your plan sounds good! Probably be prepared to add more top soil than you expect.

Also a DIY drag rake will help the leveling alot!
Will i be able to rotavate whats there now or will i have to remove top layer of grass and weeds?

Also which order do i lay top soil and sand or do i mix them together?
It's always advisable to slice off the top layer, you'll get less weed growth back and the new grass will root better. But if you aren't bothered it's not strictly needed.

Youll need at least 100mm of topsoil, raked till it's fine eventually. If you have managed that then you'll be set to try level it. You add sand if it's heavy or clay like under there - adding loamy topsoil to break it up if needed.

If it's light and sandy then you'll need to go the other way and add some peat - otherwise it will dry out and not support grass growth.

If you have the money and height you can just add topsoil untill happy! Other ways;

When prepping the top soil you can start major leveling if needed, but take care to maintain your depth of topsoil by not moving too much from one place as grass will suck in sub-soil. This is one of the main reasons for growth differences in a lawn or colour variations.

Your timing is abit off, so you can't get frost to help you break down the soil now. So it will be hard day's graft with the rotorvator. (If you dig in autumn you can leave it dug out and the temperatures will turn it all grainy and easy to break down).

Once the major leveling is done you can let it dry out a bit, then rake it to a semi firm and very level state. I don't like using a roller or foot method to ramp it down, a big bit 2m of flat wood with some weights on it dragged around works best. Don't compact it too much or you will invalidate all your digging. Being level is what makes the difference to the final lawn.

Then a day or so before putting the seed/turf down treat the soil with pre seed fertiliser. Water as required. Away you go!

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