Returning laptop.

15 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
Got a laptop that is being returned to the store tomorrow. I want to return it to it's 'Day 1' setting .Any ideas as to how I would do that or where I should start looking. It's OS is Vista. Cheers.
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Did you make or get a back up disk when you first got the laptop?
If not you may be able to use system restore to roll it back however If you go this route I think that it can be rolled forwards again.
Alternatively if you have a Vista disk you a fresh installation might do.
How much personal stuff do you have on the PC?
Have to make own recovery discs if I require them. Not a lot of stuff on PC as it's less than 30 days old. Definitely nothing dodgy, just a bit paranoid about someone poking around it after it is returned.
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