Hi everyone, new guy to the site here. Found it while searching for info on my burner. Looks like there are several people on here that know a good bit about them! I need some help with running my burner on B100.
Burnham V8 Boiler
Riello 40 F5 Burner
In a nut shell, I want to run on B100 and right now, it won't fire on it. I started to experiment and tried B90. That did ignite and kept the burner
going...but it sputtered. B80 sputtered less and B70 seemed to have minimal if any sputtering, so I went with that. I had someone else suggest to increase the pressure. I'm not 100% sure how to do that, but I'm hoping someone here does...that is of course if that's what I need to do.
My understanding is that Riello sells a B100 compatible seal kit...but not in the US. I'll obviously need that at some point...where should I get it? Also I believe there is a high pressure pump I can get...but may also not be available in the US?
Thanks in advance for any help!
My biodiesel processor:
Burnham V8 Boiler
Riello 40 F5 Burner
In a nut shell, I want to run on B100 and right now, it won't fire on it. I started to experiment and tried B90. That did ignite and kept the burner
going...but it sputtered. B80 sputtered less and B70 seemed to have minimal if any sputtering, so I went with that. I had someone else suggest to increase the pressure. I'm not 100% sure how to do that, but I'm hoping someone here does...that is of course if that's what I need to do.
My understanding is that Riello sells a B100 compatible seal kit...but not in the US. I'll obviously need that at some point...where should I get it? Also I believe there is a high pressure pump I can get...but may also not be available in the US?
Thanks in advance for any help!
My biodiesel processor:
