Right Wing Coup continues - Dacre to head Ofcom and Moore as BBC Chairman

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Charles Moore to become BBC Chairman and Dacre to become head of Ocom -add in the launch of RW GB News we will have the airwaves pumping out more drivel.

This is from Cummings playbook to undermine and dismantle the BBC.

But reactions on Saturday evening were not all predictable. Even the iconoclastic Jeremy Clarkson, not normally aligned with the affronted liberal reaction, has spoken of his shock at the news. “I’d rather drive my lambo off a cliff than see Charles Moore as chairman,” he said. “BBC will go up in flames like one of my caravans.”

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Fantastic news.

Keep voting to be poor and uninformed. Your kids will appreciate it.

You want to remove the checks and balances news organisations like the BBC perform.

How is that in your interests - you need to have a long hard look in the mirror.
In the video - I think her Dad just got old.

The Clintons aren't paragons of virtue and the left (modern meaning) are just as bad as Fox News.
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Is that the Charles Moore that writes for the Daily Telegraph.

Goodness me he writes utter garbage.
Keep voting to be poor and uninformed. Your kids will appreciate it.

You want to remove the checks and balances news organisations like the BBC perform.

How is that in your interests - you need to have a long hard look in the mirror.

George Orwell would love you.

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.
In the video - I think her Dad just got old.

The Clintons aren't paragons of virtue and the left (modern meaning) are just as bad as Fox News.

What next? Gary Glitter and Rolf Harris to head child services.

This is putting foxes in charge of the Hen House. Truly a sad day for democracy in the UK.

We are turning into a grotesque caricature of the US. All this will do is inflame the culture wars and create more division.
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You weaken the democratic institutions and the rest will follow.

Reading about how Nazis came to power you wonder how did people buy into the lies, well we are living thorough the embryonic stages right now - fake news, social media conspiracies etc.

What a world to bring your kids up in.
Keep voting to be poor and uninformed. Your kids will appreciate it.

You want to remove the checks and balances news organisations like the BBC perform.

How is that in your interests - you need to have a long hard look in the mirror.
The checks and balances that allow a left leaning agenda to be propagated throughout the BBC?

it’s in our interests to have a balanced, impartial BBC. Not the woke brigade we currently have.
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