RNLI takes down its website after suspected hacking attempt

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

I wonder how many of these Pro Drowning a holes were crying "All lives Matter"last year.

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) has taken down its website after “suspicious activity” and said its staff had been sent threatening emails.

The charity’s website was reduced to a pared-back landing page on Friday afternoon after a suspected hacking attempt.

On the same day it said it had reminded its staff and volunteers to stay safe after threats were sent to workers. It said the threats had been reported to police.

The charity has come under increasing criticism from anti-migrant groups over its role in saving lives in the Channel, as people continue to attempt to cross from France in small boats.

Far-right party Britain First is among those to have attacked the RNLI, encouraging people to message the charity to tell it to stop saving people who get into difficulty trying to cross to England.
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If they don't want to risk drowning they should attempt illegal channel crossings.

What is the legal route to claiming asylum in the UK?

You have to claim when you arrive but legally you would not be able to enter the UK unless you had a visa (most countries these people arrive from do not have visa free travel to the uk)
If they don't want to risk drowning they should attempt illegal channel crossings.
There's nothing illegal about claiming asylum. It's written in UN conventions.
Persistently arguing that it is illegal is like trying to hold back the tide, it only serves to demonstrate your lack of understanding.
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There's nothing illegal about claiming asylum. It's written in UN conventions.
Persistently arguing that it is illegal is like trying to hold back the tide, it only serves to demonstrate your lack of understanding.

But what is the legal route to claiming Asylum? You can only claim once you are in the UK. So you would have to first legally enter the UK or not? If you have to legally enter the UK first then you have to get a Visa first as many of these countries these people come from who claim Asylum do not have visa free access.

That then makes no sense as you cannot apply for a Visa with the intention of subsequently claiming asylum as it would be a false declaration on the form.

So what is the legal route?
But what is the legal route to claiming Asylum? You can only claim once you are in the UK. So you would have to first legally enter the UK or not? If you have to legally enter the UK first then you have to get a Visa first as many of these countries these people come from who claim Asylum do not have visa free access.

That then makes no sense as you cannot apply for a Visa with the intention of subsequently claiming asylum as it would be a false declaration on the form.

So what is the legal route?
There is no legal route to claim asylum in UK.
If you apply for a visa, then apply for asylum, you could be judged to have obtained the visa under false pretences.

Most of the 'illegal' immigrants are visa overstayers. Which, feasibly the government could easily track them down and treat them accordingly.
But the attention is persistently drawn to the perfectly legal asylum seekers. It's political propaganda fermented and facilitated by right wing media.
Part of the draw for illegals/ asylum seekers in the uk v other countries is that working illegally is easy in the uk.
It’s easy in the uk to disappear if you want to
Many people are drawn because of family already here

but unless the uk takes it’s share of refugees it can’t argue about the legality of those who apply.
Many of the refugees are fleeing a political situation caused in part by the uk.

nutters who try to damage the RNLI should be prosecuted.
The crews who rescue people do so without questioning the status of people in peril.
Anybody remember the mobs who forced a paediatrician out of their home because they were too thick to understand a job title?
Part of the draw for illegals/ asylum seekers in the uk v other countries is that working illegally is easy in the uk.
It’s easy in the uk to disappear if you want to
Many people are drawn because of family already here

but unless the uk takes it’s share of refugees it can’t argue about the legality of those who apply.
Many of the refugees are fleeing a political situation caused in part by the uk.

nutters who try to damage the RNLI should be prosecuted.
The crews who rescue people do so without questioning the status of people in peril.
Anybody remember the mobs who forced a paediatrician out of their home because they were too thick to understand a job title?
You're in danger of repeating RWR tropes.
It's been discussed in official articles why asylum seekers are attracted to UK, for family connections or an ability to speak English.
To present a reason such as it's easy to work on the black, is counterproductive.
"On the black" - oh dear, more racism.

Racist and misotranspandaist; what a nasty person.
What a sad person who grasps at imaginary connotations, and invents words to use as allegations.
Are you the type of person who makes up words to complete crosswords, then claims to have completed them? :LOL::LOL::LOL:
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