Roof edge tiles, is this a significant/expensive repair

15 Jan 2024
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United Kingdom
I'm a first time buyer anxious to complete on my house. Survey highlighted a problem with pointing? At roof edge. I have good pictures but can't get access for a roofer to look for 3weeks and I'm really anxious not to add further delays to the sale. Would anyone have experience of this sort of issue, I'd love a heads up on how significant/expensive it's likely to be? Time really is important as it's important to close sale asap. Thanks for any advice.


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It shouldn't be expensive but getting someone with the right skills who wont rip you off can be difficult. Can your surveyor suggest a figure which can be deducted from the purchase price, or alternatively ask the sellers to repair? You might also get an idea of cost from MyBuilder even if you don't use them

Mid hundreds for a chap pointing over what's there from a ladder. Maybe into four figures for stripping back and rebedding plus scaffold tower if access is OK.

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