Room stat- receiver to Boiler

6 Dec 2018
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United Kingdom
Hai all,
Not replacing, its putting a new thermostat receiver to Worcester 24i
Terminal on boiler is below pic1
which suppose to connect like in second pic
the Receiver have 5 nodes and have to connect
1=N, 2=L, 3=Switch input/Common, 4= Switch output.
My question is:
1. Do I have to link between 2-L and 3 Common. on receiver?
2. Where to connect Switch output (4) from receiver in Boiler?
Hope my description explain it to you.
24i (1).jpg 24i.jpg receiver.jpg
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At the boiler, remove the link between RI & RL
At the receiver, put a link between 2 & 3.

3 wires connect between the two devices:
Boiler - Receiver
RN - 1
RL - 2
RI - 4
Flameprot... thats what I was thinking and I connected it. But there is no power on stat ( no red light on).
I disconnected from boiler(RNs..) and run the boiler with out link between R1&RL. It wont run. Then I put the link back on, then the boiler run heat.
So why power is not going to thermostat..(without link R)!!
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Radio-frequency thermostat
3ed pic is the original connection port of stat.
I tried with a plug instead of connecting from boiler R ports. It power up and shows the red light.So the stat is not faulty.
It just not getting power from boiler R ports...!

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