RSJ Needle advice

11 Apr 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi all,

I'm planning on putting a 3m RSJ between my ground floor kitchen and dining room and looking for advice on the best way to temporarily support the wall load whilst the beam is installed. The joists in both the kitchen and dining room ceilings run parallel to the wall so the only weight is of the wall itself which is light density blockwork.

Above the kitchen is a bedroom with floorboards and above the dining room is a flat felt roof. The bedroom has a flat felt roof with ceiling joists also running parallel.

Can the needles sit on the floorboards/dining room roof if positioned over a joist that's supported underneath?

My plan is to wedge 6"x4" x 1m needles off the felt roof on one side (and the floorboards on the other) directly above/along a joist, which will then be supported underneath with an accrow and sole boards. I was thinking 3 needles evenly spaced with one directly in the centre. Both kitchen and dining room floors are concrete.

Is this feasible or are there better alternatives?

Sounds OK. one point to think about is on the felt roof side, you don't want your needle just sitting on chipboard, between the roof joists. I think you need a load spreader long enough to span some roof joists. Scaffolding board?

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