we'll do it the long way then
1 = click START
2 = click RUN
3 = type in the box msconfig
this throws up a box called System Configuration Utility. this lets you, amongst other things, control what programs start when Windows starts.
click the Startup tab.
here are all the programs that want to run when Windows starts and are controlled by a simple check box. apart from explorer.exe everything else could be unchecked but we're doing it the long way so you'll disable 1 at a time until you've found the culprit or, look among the registered components and see if there is one calling for ezatevigulus.dll to be run.
4 - if you can't find a component calling for ezatevigulus.dll to run then just uncheck the top one if it isn't explorer.exe
5 - click apply
6 - click the General tab
7 - make sure Selective Startup has the dot by it and not Normal Startup
8 - click ok
9 - Windows will then ask you to restart as changes have been made so restart.
when Windows has restarted your RUNDLL fault may or may not appear. if it has appeared you need to follow step 1 again. this time though re-enable the component you disabled and go onto the next one and uncheck it etc etc.
DO NOT DISABLE/UNCHECK EXPLORER.EXE as you're a n00b....no offense