Safe deposit boxes



I was speaking to a neighbour this evening who told me that she was burgled last week. They forced the front door and stole all her jewellery. this happened at about mid-day in area which has always been considered fairly safe.

We are now feeling very uneasy about this and looking to tighten up security. We currently have a good safe which is bolted to the wall in a cupboard but I'm sure that a few minutes with a crow bar would remove it.

We were thinking about hiring a bank deposit box where we could store important documents, some cash, jewelery etc but it seems that it is not that easy to get one these days. Does anyone know of any banks that rent them?

Also any general security tips would be appreciated. I'm afraid a dog is out of the question as we have cats. Alarms??

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We are now feeling very uneasy about this and looking to tighten up security. We currently have a good safe which is bolted to the wall in a cupboard but I'm sure that a few minutes with a crow bar would remove it.

Unbolt your safe and put it in the loft. Burglars never look there. :D
We are now feeling very uneasy about this and looking to tighten up security. We currently have a good safe which is bolted to the wall in a cupboard but I'm sure that a few minutes with a crow bar would remove it.

Unbolt your safe and put it in the loft. Burglars never look there. :D

You wouldn't think so would you - apparently they got the loft ladder down and rifled through the loft too. :(
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My dad had a floor safe, in his last house. Bolted down and set into the floor. Covered by the carpet at one corner of a bedroom. A thief would never have found it. ;) ;)
Really though its a sad world we live in.......honest people having to talk about things like this because of the scum we live with
Stop messing about- and get a proper safe - 3 quarter tonne safe.
Cheap as chips on ebay and other sites.
Nobody can pick them up-
BUT- somebody can hold a gun to your head in order to get you to give them the the key/combo !!.

But- if you also have security cameras outside and inside -it would be a fool who tries to rob you . :)
isn't this just a process of out-thinking each other... it's like a hugely strong cash machine, can't get into it, so they get a jcb and take the whole lot.

put your valuables in a false panel in the roof of your kids' rabbit hutch... or similar !! my point being, it doesn't need heavy fortifications if they're unlikely to look there !!
I also remember going through a rough part of Leeds and in this area lots of houses had security gates over the windows and front doors to stop the scumbags,it looked horrible......why should folk live like this
I also remember going through a rough part of Leeds and in this area lots of houses had security gates over the windows and front doors to stop the scumbags,it looked horrible......why should folk live like this

I'm afraid we have to live like this because there is absolutely no deterrent to crime these days.

In the unlikely event that they are caught and charged, and in the even more unlikely event that they are tried, found guilty and sentenced, they know that the punishment will be derisory. If they should happen to be sent to HM Holiday Camp, they'll look forward to meeting their mates and then be sent home after a few days ready to continue their chosen 'profession'.

Yes, with the European Court of Human Rights in collaboration with our lenient and naive judges, criminals have it made in 21st century Britain.
My dad had a floor safe, in his last house. Bolted down and set into the floor. Covered by the carpet at one corner of a bedroom. A thief would never have found it. ;) ;)

So did my old man when I was a kid.

I was thinking of doing the same now Im re-building my place. Last place somebody would look and all that, maybe not even in the house. Garage, celler etc
Thanks for the replies.

I was thinking of fitting a couple of motion detector security lights which also record onto a memory card. They are available at screwfix for around 60 quid. Then I was thinking, do I advertise the fact that the would be burglar is on cctv to deter them or would they just disable it. Or, don't advertise it, wait to be robbed and then attemt to identify them?

Floor safes sound a good idea but I have concrete floors downstairs and wood floors everywhere.

I was quite happy with my existing safe until I thought about how long it would probably take me to remove it using a crow bar.

Apparently, the police showed the lady two large bags of recovered stolen jewellery and were telling her in not so many words to claim some of it even though it wasn't hers. But she wouldn't because, as she said to them, the items were someone elses memories.

How sad.
I was thinking of a sign saying these premises are protected by a (insert name of company) security system. Maybe something about a quick response team and 24 hour monitoring. Should deter the opportunist thief, if not the pro.

Id rather have a sign saying if I catch you around my house Ill run after you with my big Fiskars axe I got for Christmas.

Motion scanners on mem sticks sound good for 60 quid, wont work for me though as Ill just end up with pictures of deer mooching about and maybe Ill find out where the cat has been s****ing.
I was thinking of a sign saying these premises are protected by a (insert name of company) security system. Maybe something about a quick response team and 24 hour monitoring. Should deter the opportunist thief, if not the pro.

Id rather have a sign saying if I catch you around my house Ill run after you with my big Fiskars axe I got for Christmas.

Motion scanners on mem sticks sound good for 60 quid, wont work for me though as Ill just end up with pictures of deer mooching about and maybe Ill find out where the cat has been s****ing.

are they guard deer? :LOL: perhaps we should all keep geese.
I was thinking of a sign saying these premises are protected by a (insert name of company) security system. Maybe something about a quick response team and 24 hour monitoring. Should deter the opportunist thief, if not the pro.

Id rather have a sign saying if I catch you around my house Ill run after you with my big Fiskars axe I got for Christmas.

Motion scanners on mem sticks sound good for 60 quid, wont work for me though as Ill just end up with pictures of deer mooching about and maybe Ill find out where the cat has been s****ing.

Rabbits here got wise to my security lights and started to come into that area to nibble the grass. Little beggars! :) The cameras that record onto a memory stick sound a good idea though, even if it is only going to capture rabbits. . .
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