safe keys

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
You ever seen anything like this?

Image deleted by moderator

Its a bloody convenience store FFS not a prison! I have to carry these around with me all day! :rolleyes:

Does make me feel quite important though lol. :LOL:

Out of interest, would a backstreet key cutter be able to cut these keys? Or would I need to go to the safe manufacturer / security company?
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they have to be long to reach the lock on the far side of the door casing and fire insulation. You can also get them where the stem is detachable from the bits so you don't have to carry the whole thing around

a back street key cutter could copy them, but unless he was very precise and accurate the copy might not work. these locks are built to quite precise standards.

BTW you should delete your photo since it shows the dimensions to cut copy keys.
In a word... yes.

But as Kid Rock said, I was smoking funny things, we were doing funny things etc etc,

Yeah, I'd delete those pictures mate, everyone knows where you work, presumably wouldn't take much to copy those keys from the picture. At least fuzzy out the business end.
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Better? :LOL:

I know they have to be long, but the safes needn't be so thick! I have worked in a few stores, never seen keys this long.
thick layer of fireproofing between the outer casing and the inner casing of the door makes them thick so they need long keys. However you might have been supplied with excessively long keys.

Fire safes and Vault doors can be very thick
Moderator 4, I had blurred the photo at the business end of the keys in such a way that they were unrecognisable.
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