I've fitted loads of these and never had any breakdowns....anyway, Upon a demand for heating, the sender unit (programmer) flame comes on and it will resend this call for heat to the receiver every few minutes, to ensure the receiver is in the correct state. The receiver has a red light on for power, and a green light on if the sender unit is calling for heat. No green light means the receiver is not going to turn the boiler on. If the green light is on, but the boiler is not, then the wiring between the receiver and the boiler may be suspect, or the receiver is defective. A heating engineer should be able to nail the problem in a few minutes. If the flame is on the sender, but the green light doesn't come on at the receiver, then weak batteries or radio interference could be the problem. New wireless controls fitted recently in a home near yours can sometimes begin to affect your receiver (crosstalk), until you select another frequency. I wouldn't rule out a faulty unit, but I wouldn't say it's a common problem either. All the units I've fitted (dozens) are still going strong. Hope this helps.