Sam's song...

24 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom
Not so much a happy tune tho'.

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Very clever :LOL:
Looks like they've finally managed to wake up and smell the coffee :rolleyes:
Always enjoyed my trips to The States, but most of the time the food is pretty dire. Beef from cattle pumped full of growth hormones, bacon which is mostly fat with a thin strip of meat, and you can't get a decent piece of cheese anywhere, ever. Its always quantity not quality.

One of the reasons why the US economy has been struggling has been blindingly obvious for quite a while. If you see a street scene from the States on the news or some other programme, they are all driving boring little Jap cars. FFS, what's happened to Motown. Where are all those great Yank-tanks these days? Very sad. Whenever I go to the States, I insist on an American hire car (the bigger, the better. :cool: ). Seems I'm more patriotic than they are. :(
i think they are finally coming round to fuel economy,
and the fact that as 'there gas has increased' to a stupid amount of 45 cents a gallon there finding it a tad tuff to makes ends meet.
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One thing to be sure of when the going gets tough for Sam's sons it will get a sight tougher elsewhere in the world (didn't it just?), don't measure the Yanks by the large folk and the financial crims... As with everything they tend to have it in spades. They'll be back - have no doubt.
