Samsung F3 1TB

8 Jan 2011
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United Kingdom
On 2nd January one of my 1TB drives went pear shaped, bought for half the price they are now dam floods now am pis*ed

Anyway, turns out the warranty had ran out by 36 hours, how frickin unlucky is that

Had a bash at removing the matrix board from a working same size and model drive and put it on the faulty one and its worked so am now in the process of dragging all mt files off onto other drives, some 400Gig worth of films and other various types of media, none pron related before you ask!!

What are the chances of me getting this matrix board fixed? as nothing mechanical inside the drive is faulty

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Is it the supplier or manufacturer warranty that has expired? Most drives have 3 or 5 year manufacturer warranties. If the manufacturer warranty has expired, a repair is most unlikely or at least prohibitively expensive.
I have checked on their website, states all Hard Drives have 24 Months warranty

The drive is usable to an extent, all I have to do is use the same Matrix board for both, means I cant use them at same time which is kind of the point

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Samsung only recently crippled their warranty (further). They should allow you to check the serial number.

As for repairing the board.. Unless you know a very highly skilled and very, very friendly electronics engineer near you (no, not the guy who repairs TVs in his spare time, a real engineer), preferably a data recovery expert, nil.