Scam The Scammers

24 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
for a serious laugh related to scammers check out Welcome to the 419 Eater

Its a group of "enthuisiasts" who scam the scammers!
People who litteraly spend way too much time getting revenge for a laugh, theyve had people litteraly wandering around deserts looking for "treasure."

theyve currently talked a scammer into chasing a bogus cash package up and down the Skeleton Coast hunting for the GPS tracked cash box is particularly humiliating and even gets the respondant to get himself tattooed as a scam artist. :LOL: :LOL:
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I've being doing it for over 7 years. 419eater is quite old now. Lots of current 'baits' in the forum though. Advance fee fraud (419 - Nigerian code) makes over $200,000,000 a year - still.

My last one was 'the anal probe' - a car. Bait didnt last long so I didnt bother posting it. Had some great pics though... a mugu holding a sign (sat on something not to be mentioned on this site) with the the sign "I drive an ANAL PROBE all the way home" Mugu's..... Id be bored without them.

do you run a bot to continually scan for any mention of your site ?
you found out fast that we were looking at / mentioning your site didn't you?

and that guy was a bit of an idiot..
he soon abandones Alah to get some money, and then went back to him groveling on hands and knees for forgiveness when he realised he was being scammed back..
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Awesome Tat, Man . Gotta get one @ Miami Ink - would you send me a $ small donation to get me started ;)