We moved into a house with a Scantronic 9751 which, as is it turned out, had a dodgy sensor. I've replaced the sensor but in the mean time opened the control box (and so triggered the tamper switch).
The yellow triangle on the control is now lit (as you'd expect). I type in the code, it shows "1 Problem(s)", click tick, and then get "Lid Tamper" as "Inactive". When I click tick again I get "Rst Code 0458".
Whatever I do I can't get the yellow triangle to go off, and I can't set the alarm. Sometimes I get a "Can't reset" message. The lid tamper is "inactive" so it shouldn't be that still?
The spanner light is NOT lit, so sounds like I don't need an Installer?
Any advice anyone? I've been through the manual about 20 times, pressing everything I can see!
PS. If I do a walk-through test, the new sensor triggers (as do all of the others) so it appears to be working ok...
The yellow triangle on the control is now lit (as you'd expect). I type in the code, it shows "1 Problem(s)", click tick, and then get "Lid Tamper" as "Inactive". When I click tick again I get "Rst Code 0458".
Whatever I do I can't get the yellow triangle to go off, and I can't set the alarm. Sometimes I get a "Can't reset" message. The lid tamper is "inactive" so it shouldn't be that still?
The spanner light is NOT lit, so sounds like I don't need an Installer?
Any advice anyone? I've been through the manual about 20 times, pressing everything I can see!
PS. If I do a walk-through test, the new sensor triggers (as do all of the others) so it appears to be working ok...