So this is my latest effort heartily approved by the family: 1 medium potato, 1 onion, 1 large carrot, 1 celery stick, 1/2 swede all chopped in the old moulinex chopper to the size you like. Three tablespoons of cornflour (or more if you like) mixed into a slurry in cold water and two oxo cubes or similar (I use Lid's own) plus salt and black pepper to taste. Now the meat can be anything you fancy but left over lamb or beef bits is traditional about the size of a 5p and at least 100 grammes. Finally and absolutely essential, 100 grammes of pearl barley or so called "soup mix". Bung it all in yer slow cooker add 1.5 litres water, stir and switch on high power for 4-5 hours.