Scotland-max fence ht in back garden-retrospective planning

11 Nov 2004
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United Kingdom
Hi there

I put up a 6 foot fence in the back garden. Looking on council website today, it says that I need planning permission as it is within 20m of the road.

Do you think that I am likely to get retrospective planning permission?

My neighbour will probably complain when he gets neighbour notification as he likes to nose in my garden and can't do it now with the fence.

The fence is build in my boundary and the original boundary fence is still up.

Any advice would be helpful.
is it a fence between you and the public highway rather than your neighbors if not i think youll be ok at 6.6" providing its a rear fence
unless theres a covenant or similar
Even if it needed permission just forget about it. even if the council said you needed PP they would never ever prosecute in this climate.
Did you mean to type "20m"?

Or was it supposed to be"2m" ?

The rules are something along the lines of a boundary feature can be no higher than 1m when adjacent to the road however how adjacent is a grey area and 2m sounds reasonable, 20m certainly does not.

If it is 20m then with another small fence in font of it and it is no longer directly adjacent :)

However, have you had any enforcement notices from the local council?

If not then stop worrying about it - nothing can happen until the council get involve and start making waves.

What's the neighbour notification you talk about? (have they not got eyes that you have to inform them of a new fence? :D )
Did you mean to type "20m"?

Or was it supposed to be"2m" ?

The rules are something along the lines of a boundary feature can be no higher than 1m when adjacent to the road however how adjacent is a grey area and 2m sounds reasonable, 20m certainly does not.

If it is 20m then with another small fence in font of it and it is no longer directly adjacent :)
He was referring to distance from the highway and not fence height Mattyboy.
Thanks for replies
In Scotland if your rear fence is within 20m of the highway and over 1m in height you need planning permission, apparently.

Just wondered if it was ever enforced if neighbour complained, which they may do. Long story.
I doubt a local authority would ever be able to justify legal action for such a small contravention.

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