John, can I ask do you know what your talking about or is it just guess work? Why do you think they seal up all air gaps in air tight houses. All sockets, light fittings, joints in floors ceilings etc.. are taped up with air tight tape. It's to stop heat escaping through drafhts.
An example of this is, get yourself 2 balloons. Blow them both up however before you do this, get a little pin and in one ballon prick 50 little holes in one. Now blow them up and watch one lose air atba fast rate. Well this is your heat escaping from your home. My hard earned money I pay for fuel is leaking heat out of every little hole, crack , window gaps etc.. it's in my best interest to seal these up.
I have a potential 100 air leaks through my sockets, light fittings, switch's in my home. Alot of air leaks. When the house is getting fully heated on a windy cold night, if one puts their hand over these, you can feel an air draft. For the sake of a few tubs of silicone, it would be nice to keep this heat in the home.