Search facility

22 Sep 2005
Reaction score
Preston, Lancashire
United Kingdom
Why is the search facility so poor?

I was looking for a thread I wrote on a couple of years back, I knew that I posted it in the decorating section but couldn't find it. I actually found it using google. The thread title was "painting bathroom tiles". If I enter "painting bathroom tiles" in the "topic title", enter my username in the "written by" field and select the decorating forum, I get zip. Nada.
So the question remains...... why is the search facility so poor? :confused:
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Hi Gcol,

There was a problem when searching title in topic mode, it should have been searching the title of the topic but it was searching the subject. Thanks for highlighting this and I have now resolved that problem.

You still wont get any results if you search for a topic title of 'painting bathroom tiles' in Decorating with 'gcol' as a username because you didn't start that topic, but if you leave the username blank then you will find your result. Also if you enclose your query in inverted commas, i.e. exact match, then you will get only the results you are interested in: see here.
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