Hi all, think we've got a Securitech 700L and unfortunately this afternoon we suffered a short power cut. Since the power came back the box has been emitting quite a highpitched noise which we've been unable to get rid of.
Unfortunately no one can remember what code it is and in the panic of first hearing the noise my girlfriend ripped the front panel of the box off to see if there was a way to stop it. genius
Can somebody please advise me as to how I can stop this noise without setting the big house alarm off? I'm a total novice at house alarms but am confident I could unwire it if I knew which wire to do.
To be honest looking at the wires I feel like i'm tasked with disarming a bomb so someone please help
Unfortunately no one can remember what code it is and in the panic of first hearing the noise my girlfriend ripped the front panel of the box off to see if there was a way to stop it. genius
Can somebody please advise me as to how I can stop this noise without setting the big house alarm off? I'm a total novice at house alarms but am confident I could unwire it if I knew which wire to do.
To be honest looking at the wires I feel like i'm tasked with disarming a bomb so someone please help