Hi, I am self-employed and do work for 3 different people during the week. For 3 days i do skilled building work which involves lime plastering and other general building work at a large farmhouse. Curantly I am charging £8.50 per hour for this work. The other 2 days are spent on 2 farms doing general farm duties and some building work-all of which is skilled work and i charge £9.00 for this. I do a 7 hour day and am thinking of going to a daily rate insted of an hourly one-have been told by my accountant that i'm not charging anything near enough. So what should I be charging? our builder has a 21 year old lad (I'm 26)who isnt skilled and does easy manuel jobs like cement mixing and digging for £80 per day. Where as the builder charges £140 per day. So what should someone with many skills in many areas be charging?