Servicing an old oven

16 Jun 2006
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United Kingdom
Hi all.

A friend has ageing parents who have reached that stage in life when they are going to need live in carers.

They have a (1968?) GEC electric range cooker.

My friend's mother-in-law kinda hinted that the oven doesn't work properly, suggesting that it is really slow. He suspects that she no longer wants to cook and is using the oven as an excuse.

He has asked me if I can find recommendations for a service engineer that will cover north west London and will check the oven out.

I have suggested that he should try to boil a pan of water on each of the heating elements and then check each of the oven sections.

Assuming that each element works ok, is there any point in having it "serviced"? I guess that it is so old that it is not fan assisted and that the lack of moving parts means that it either works or doesn't. BTW, in no way am I disparaging the sterling work of service engineers. If there is anything that needs to be checked or addressed, please let me know and I will pass the info on.

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If he buys one of these oven thermometer he can check that the ovens are accurately performing as they should temperature wise.
As you say boiling a pan of water on each ring should show if they are working.
If an outsider is going to be using it then it may be worth getting an electrician to do safety checks & ensure it has been installed properly. The chances are he would be able to do any necessary repairs. It may be an idea to use the make & model number to download a user manual/instructions.

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