shall we let him back

4 Feb 2005
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United Kingdom
Omar Bakri wants to come back, he doesnt like it in Lebanon anymore :LOL:

how many days or weeks do you think it will take for him to arrive :LOL:
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jbonding said:
Omar Bakri wants to come back, he doesnt like it in Lebanon anymore :LOL:

how many days or weeks do you think it will take for him to arrive :LOL:

wow you would have thought that he would have welcomed the chance to fight the infedal wouldn't you???

hippocrictical git
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Of course we should let him back, I mean after all we're British, a few minor indiscretions in the past should not be a permanent hinderance to anyone claiming, safe harbour, free healthcare, and generous benefits on this most bountiful of islands.
Eddie M said:
Of course we should let him back, I mean after all we're British, a few minor indiscretions in the past should not be a permanent hinderance to anyone claiming, safe harbour, free healthcare, and generous benefits on this most bountiful of islands.

:LOL: We might as well let him back in, he'll only shave his beard and cut his hair and get false id, then claim asylum. It works for 1000's of others so no doubt it would work for him.
I've read today that he doesn't really want to come back at all and that he is doing this to try to stir up trouble (yet again) by getting support from the British Muslim community.
He hopes his supporters over here will kick up a stink about it on his behalf and make live very hard for the authorities.

I dont agree with what Isreal is doing at the moment. They've gone in far too heavy handed in my opinion, but do I hope they drop a bomb on this pr!ck while the opportunity is there
Glassman said:
I dont agree with what Isreal is doing at the moment. They've gone in far too heavy handed in my opinion, but do I hope they drop a bomb on this pr!ck while the opportunity is there
Has he been tried and found guilty of an offence in a jurisdiction for which the penalty is death?

If you advocate killing him by dropping a bomb on him, how many other people do you think it's OK to kill at the same time?





"""Has he been tried and found guilty of an offence in a jurisdiction for which the penalty is death?"""

Supporting the Hisbolla or even being near them is sufficient evidence of guilt for Israel to bomb him.

Its only the weak UK that kills innocent Brazillian electricians but lets real bombers stay alive, albeit in Prison for a few years.

ban-all-sheds said:
Glassman said:
I dont agree with what Isreal is doing at the moment. They've gone in far too heavy handed in my opinion, but do I hope they drop a bomb on this pr!ck while the opportunity is there
Has he been tried and found guilty of an offence in a jurisdiction for which the penalty is death?

If you advocate killing him by dropping a bomb on him, how many other people do you think it's OK to kill at the same time?






not even close BAS

For the good of the many outweigh the good of the few

if this evil murderer was executed how many more lives would be saved thats the question

probably thousands

so 20 is a fair number but then again its human lives we are talking about and life is cheap over there so lets up the anti and say 200 eh does that upset you

its reality isnt it not nice but real
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