Shoddy Work And Working Practices

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Went to a call-out last night.

Socket heat damaged by overload.

Replaced front plate which I noticed was also reverse polarity, same with another socket nearby.

Oh, said the householder, we had a friend do it and you can't really moan if they've done you a favour.

Did they charge you?

Oh, yeah.....

They told me the two blokes that did it had a young lad with them. They didn't teach him which terminal was which, and they obviously didn't check it themselves, either....

Also, the gas fitter (ha,ha) checked for leaks with a lighter. Idiot. And he said dumbly with a laugh, "I ain't blown meself up yet!"

What a gaggle of plonkers!
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They will surely be given a Darwin award in true time, in real recognition of their stupidity-induced voluntary eugenics.
Perhaps this answers the post on going out and leaving the tradesmen with a key!

What a gaggle of plonkers!

I believe the correct term is a "rodney of plonkers". :rolleyes:
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Yeah, I lose count of the number of cock-ups I see. They all come with an automatic, "Yeah.... a mate done it for me. He's a qualified [enter trade], so he knows what he's doing..."

The other day I came across shed power via a length of 2.5 sq mm twin + cpc trailing across the patio and spurred directly into the back of a socket, which was itself a spur from an interconnected and broken ring, protected by an ancient and chipped 3036 fuse with three strands of 30A fuse wire... "S'alright," I was assured, "I ain't had a shock off it."

Don't you sometimes wish the people that did this stuff ended up suffering by it?
There was somebody on the Screwfix forum with a tale of a shed powered via a flex with a plug on each end. Plug one end in at the house, and the other to a socket in the shed, and hey presto - power to all the sockets in the shed.
Apparently the owner thought it was perfectly OK because he'd never (so far :eek: ) plugged the wrong end in first...
I suppose that would be an error you'd only make once ...... one way or the other .....
Mhist All-Crucking Fighty!

That is BAD! The worst I'd seen of a similar ilk was my idiot of a brother-in-law who fitted the "Appliance" end of a two-part lawnmower connector to the mains lead.........
how else would he know if it was leaking i mean gas is flammable isnt it and all you would get would be an errr pilot sorta light innit :rolleyes: hm could u leave it lit till u sorted the leak that way no gas smell

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