Having a look at table 4D2A in the regs and the current carrying capacity for 6mm² ref method 4(enclosed in insulated wall) = 32A, ref method 3 conduit or trunking) = 38A, ref method 1(clipped direct) 46A.
In my experience most shower installs will fall under ref method 3 or 4 so a 6mm² cable protected by a 40amp mcb would not comply with regulations and thats before taking into account correction factors.
Is this correct as i come across a lot of 6mm² cables protected by 40amp mcbs like this?
Having a look at table 4D2A in the regs and the current carrying capacity for 6mm² ref method 4(enclosed in insulated wall) = 32A, ref method 3 conduit or trunking) = 38A, ref method 1(clipped direct) 46A.
In my experience most shower installs will fall under ref method 3 or 4 so a 6mm² cable protected by a 40amp mcb would not comply with regulations and thats before taking into account correction factors.
Is this correct as i come across a lot of 6mm² cables protected by 40amp mcbs like this?