Sick as a parrot

9 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
I am not really posting a question here, just need to vent my splien. I had the second break in on my garage last night and cos they couldnt get away with my bike they rolled the 4X4 out and nicked the wheels. To get the wheels off they popped both door locks to get the locking wheel nut key.
This little episode which happens to be the second in as many months and will cost my insurance company over £3000 and me my 10 years of no claims bonus.
I live in a quiet cul de sac in a quiet village not a town or city and i am pretty careful about home security. The garage is alarmed as is the car but neither went off and i never heard a thing.
Police came out and gave me a crime number but didnt seem overly interested, same as last time.
Am i the only one in this country who thinks that honest hard working people are fast becoming a minority. Crime is rife and the police are unable to do anything about it and have the attitude that oh well thats what you have insurance for.
Even by some miracle they did catch a criminal the sentences doled out are so pitiful its not a deterrent to these people.
It just ****es me off that i have finally after 15 years of some of the shi**est jobs going i finally get to a point where i can afford to buy some luxuries and make life comfortable for my wife and baby and some little toe rag thinks they have the right to help themselves.
Sorry for this just before the weekend but i am sure you all understand
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About 6 weeks ago my car was covered in paint and the bloke next door admitted to it, he was charged and given a caution(his first offence) :evil: His father has just retired from the C.I.D.(?) :evil: What can i do, nothing. He has'nt got any money so taking him to small claims court is pointless, my missus wont let me sort him out,so the nice man gets away with it.
No accountability, no retribution, no deterrant. That's why the scum of this world keep doing what they do. Put them on hard labour while they're inside. If they want to let them out with a tag then make sure it's attached to a b****y big ball and chain. Three strikes and you're out wouldn't be a bad idea as well.
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Did anyone see the programme about that jail in the USA? I think we should have the same thing here. :cool:
dibble said:
Am i the only one in this country who thinks that honest hard working people are fast becoming a minority.

You could be, I never met anyone else who would believe such a thing.
pitbull said:
About 6 weeks ago my car was covered in paint and the bloke next door admitted to it

Was the colour keeping him awake at night :?: :eek: :LOL:
The frightening thing with this was that the thieves in question had to get round a security light which was positioned on the gable end of the house above the second story window. They brought with them a whopping 30ft long piece of timber to lean against the sensor to stop the light working. They had obviously been around during daylight hours to scope the place out. The thought makes me shudder as my wife and new born are in the house all day.
It is taken for granted now that if a thief wants something bad enough he will take it. As somebody has said there is no deterrent. The police wont catch him and even if the home owner collars him he can probably sue for assault.
What ever happened to an englishmans home being his castle?
I had a problem with a certain idiot trying to break into my car.

I blew over £500 on a Clifford alarm which has a proximity sensor built into it. If someone walks past it too close, the alarm gives off a small chirp, its not a loud chirp and its only about a half second long - just enough to let any theiving chav know he cant touch the car without making noise and just enough to alert me.

Yes, it does go off quite a lot. Enough for people to call the police out and report me to my local environmantal health office. The police have been sent away with a tic in their ear, "if you were good at your job, i wouldnt need this alarm. Oh, and i expect an equally speedy response if my car does get broken into..... officer" and as for environmental health, i told them to deal with the snot eating scumbag who is setting my alarm off instead of pestering me.

Having said all that, its also helpful to be an 18 stone black belt for the times when you have to confront someone trying it on with your car.
securespark said:
Sorry. No offence intended.
That's o.k. mate, i know you were only joking,i do it myself, only this is eating me up inside cos' i see his smug face every day.The only good thing is he his moving in 3 to 4 weeks, just wish the missus would let me give him a leaving present :evil: .
Pitbull - why on earth did he do that - have you and him got a history of "issues"?

I'd give him a whack anway despite what the Mrs says. With like yours I guess you are straining at the leash (sic) to get him.

Wow I am so lucky with my neighbours - should not take them for granted.
Sad thing is that nowadays even if you catch who did it or know who did it and give them a well deserved belt in the mouth, its you that ends up in the dock. As GBH is considered a much more serious offence than theft or criminal damage the CPS go after you like a blood thirsty dog.
The police cant protect us and the law prohibits us from protecting ourselves so the lawless scum think they can then prey on us to their hearts content.
Well no more for this mug. If i catch anybody hanging about my house when they shouldnt be they are going to get a good hiding and be damned with the consequences!!
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