
24 Jul 2003
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United Kingdom
Audio has packed up on Toshiba laptop.
Have been into Device Manager telling to go, and just installed iTunes and said yes to using at as default player. Thought that would replace driver.
Still nowt.
No it isn't muted!
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its the sound card driver you want.

try the toshiba website and look for a sound card driver (i assume its got a toshiba sound card)

you may want to start here
Also worth checking that the laptop's hardware mute setting isn't on, it's often controlled by pressing the Fn key (bottom left) and the F8 / F9 key. As breezer says, installing iTunes will not replace the audio driver.
At what point did the audio stop working?

Are there any errors displayed in device manager?
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Not sure when it stoped - spends most of its time muted.
Keyboard mute is not on.

Only one audio driver on the tosh site so installed it. Half way through it said it needed a Microsoft Bus driver.

>Silence. Must have come with some discs we can't find?
Difficult when we can't see the machine. Can you provide the model & Operating system details?

Are we talking internal speakers? Have you tried external if this is the case. If external, have you tried different speakers?

Were any errors shown in Device Manager (in the audio section)?