my neighbour (an elderly lady on her own) is having work done on her roof, they are cleaning off the moss, apparently jetwashing the tiles, repointing anything that needs it and then if I have this right they are spraying the roof with some kind of silicone seal? Is this normal? (Tiles are interlocking concrete (ludlow plus) from the 50s)
They have turned up today in an enterprise rent a van which doesn't inspire confidence...
not sure my input will be desired at this point (only found out this morning) but will keep my ear to the ground in case they start talking about needing to replace the whole roof or something.
of course they could be completely legit and it could be a good preventatitive maintenance thing that I've just not heard of.
my neighbour (an elderly lady on her own) is having work done on her roof, they are cleaning off the moss, apparently jetwashing the tiles, repointing anything that needs it and then if I have this right they are spraying the roof with some kind of silicone seal? Is this normal? (Tiles are interlocking concrete (ludlow plus) from the 50s)
They have turned up today in an enterprise rent a van which doesn't inspire confidence...
not sure my input will be desired at this point (only found out this morning) but will keep my ear to the ground in case they start talking about needing to replace the whole roof or something.
of course they could be completely legit and it could be a good preventatitive maintenance thing that I've just not heard of.