Sir Tom's charity...

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Do you know anyone that claims money they are not entitled to?
You mean a person claiming money they admitted was for work they weren't going to do anyway?

Do you feel proud about that?

Personally I'd never do that, but then there are always spivs around who think it's just a joke (n)
Do you feel proud about that?

As a Peacock, seeing as you asked. Claimed it legally and above board on behalf of the employees of my company. Me and Mrs Mottie but thanks for reminding me - I wondered where all that dosh under the mattress came from. (y)
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Two years for an inquiry is too long. A few questions, maybe an interview or two and there's your report, whatever the outcome. Many charities now seem to be run with highly paid CEO's, rewarded for income generation. Its why I don't contribute to any street collectors or charities which constantly advertise on TV but it's not illegal. What happened to charities that helped people directly?
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